Each and every one of us in this world connect to all types of different objects, numbers, animals. Whether it is a sentimental attachment or spiritual. Often enough this attachment tends to arise when a loved one passes, we lose someone in any way shape or form or we subconsciously seek guidance within ourselves or in an area of our lives.
I’ve found for myself and my best friend it is ‘white feathers’. Although I perceive them as a sign of good luck and on track depending what I am feeling at the time I stumble across one. My best friend sees them as though something ‘bad’ is going to happen. White feathers are one of the most common signs from the universe and I strongly believe if they are showing up in your life you should trust and pay attention.
One day I was at work which was managing a pizza shop in my local suburb, at the time I was going through some issues within my work place and relationship. I always caught myself asking questions inside my head like, ..“should I leave?”, ”is this where I am suppose to be”?. I walked out to my car and please keep in mind it was a windy kind of day to say the least. I go to open my passenger side door to find this pure white feather perfectly sitting in between the car and the door! I was stunned. Confused.. how does something with absolutely no weight behind it get STUCK in a spot like that and stay there until it was time for me to find it.
White feathers are all about inner-wisdom, inner-strength and trusting the intuitive calling of our souls desire. If you tune in and allow yourself to be guided, without fear or hesitation you’ll be able to take the right steps in the right direction.
Having a connection to something gives everybody a different feeling of emotion when we randomly get to see or hold these certain things. Some make us feel happy, calm or sad. Some might think they bring us luck or in some cases they can mean bad luck. We all interpret things in our own way and it’s helpful to find what beliefs are for you.